This defines both our methods and processes and key competencies we try to develop in each navigator, which are:
— planetary thinking. Allows individuals or communities to correlate their values, intentions and actions with global processes, understand and accept different types of individuals and interpersonal relationships, cultural and social models, see and determine their place in the ecosystem, perceive diversity as a factor of progress, create new meanings and ideas at a junction of mindsets and ways of doing things, to care for yourself and your groups in the context of caring for the ecosystem as a whole. This, in its turn, requires such basic skills as systems thinking, multiculturalism, social literacy, eco-literacy, global awareness (feeling oneself a part of the global world);
— collective knowledge management and collective problem solving. Allows to consistently act to develop complex solutions, perceive the capabilities and interests of each team member and effectively integrate them, work on the basis of win-win strategies, realize the value of each participant, build productive horizontal connections, create and launch changes that are clearly visible on the global scale. This, in turn, requires basic skills such as empathy, communicative literacy, flexibility and adaptability, intelligence design, the ability to correlate tasks and responsibilities with personal experience, listen and hear each other, act from the heart, as well as new grounds for interaction, such as fairness, trust, etc.
— sustainable self-development. Living in a complex world requires new technologies of self-determination and self-governance. The fact that we cannot make a long-term forecast means that we must constantly be ready to change our lives. This needs basic skills of receptivity to global challenges and constant learning and relearning. At the same time, we must be able to constantly stay in touch with ourselves and consciously choose among the many possibilities, focusing on those that reflect our ideas about the optimal lifestyle, that is, be able to hear our deep inner self, set goals and make conscious decisions to rebuild our life strategies in accordance with our genuine evolution.