The future is not
some place we are going to, but one we are creating.
  • about you
    Self-determination session is the best aid if one of these is true for you:
    • I need to get a clear picture of my talents, including hidden ones, and find appropriate ways to develop them to the fullest.
    • I'm lost in diversity of learning and career opportunities and don't know which one to be the most meaningful and self-fulfilling for me.
    • I need to choose between my various interests or find a good synthesis of them all for my further career.
    • I have to prepare a college essay but feel it hard to design and tell my true personal story reflecting my authenticity the best way.
  • about approach
    Future-back approach...

    Me-World balancing...

  • about me
    • Master of pedagogy
    • Passionate educator (teacher, learning designer, counsellor) since 1997
    • Expert in personalized learning
    • Founder of Navigators School, an intense program for adult specialists in self-determination and career orientation
    • Educational strategist, visionary, futurist
    • Speaker at international conferences on innovative educational approaches
    • HundrEd Innovator
Plans and Pricing
Order individual counselling or join a group
  • Individually
    6 one-hour meetings with follow-ups and hometasks

    - you rule the schedule and pace
    - more personal time with navigator
    - meeting plans are adjusted with your requests

    300 eur
  • In group
    8 meetings with follow-ups and hometasks

    - peer support and feedback
    - collective research and discussions
    - teamwork and communication skills advancement

    160 eur
Contact me
Apply for a session or write me to ask your questions
WA: 89213394666
TG: @live1001
Choose your plan